Ebola in DR Congo Still Unpredictable and Remains Dangerous – UN

8 November 2018

In an recent visit to the Border of Uganda 
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO) and UN Peacekeeping chief Jean-Pierre Lacroix said Ebola outbreak is still unpredictable and Since the outbreak began in August, there have been 308 cases and 191 deaths, about half of which have been in Beni, which has a population of around 800,000.

“The fact that we have so far prevented Ebola from spreading into neighbouring countries is a testament to the hard work and determination of staff from all partners,” 

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus,
WHO chief 

The current epidemic, the country’s tenth, is on track to surpass the previous largest outbreak in 1976, which saw 318 cases in total, leading to 280 deaths. 
Since the outbreak began, MONUSCO has assisted in the Ebola response by providing logistical support, office facilities, transportation, communication and with keeping staff safe, from security threats.

Read the Full article 

Ebola outbreak in DR Congo conflict zone ‘remains dangerous and unpredictable’ – UN chiefs

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