Your Burger Also Responsible for Global Warming – UN

Your Todays bite in your Burger may hugely affecting the planet and Global warming . .  United Nations environmental agency said ” 

Every bite of burger boosts harmful greenhouse gases

UN Environment Agency

According to a study by Beyond Meat and the University of Michigan, Americans – who eat an average of 3 burgers per week – could save the amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced by 12 million cars, simply by swapping one of those weekly meals with a plant-based alternative.

According to the World Economic Forum, the beef and dairy industry is responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than the world’s biggest oil companies, with the combined emissions of the top meat and dairy companies exceeding those of highly industrialized nations such as Germany or the UK.

Daniil Nenashev/World Bank
A herd of cattle graze in a pasture near a village in Kazakhstan.

According to the Yale School of Forestry 

meat production contributes to the depletion of precious water resources – around 1,695 litres is needed to produce just one quarter-pounder burger

There is also a known cost to human health, especially when it comes to eating processed meat: Antibiotics used to rear livestock and keep animals disease-free often end up in our food, particularly products sold by fast-food chains, contributing to antibiotic resistance in humans

Read the Full Article in United Nations News 

Every bite of burger boosts harmful greenhouse gases: UN Environment Agency

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