After the Brexit and paris attack the european tend to more nationalistic than ever before . The problematic EU refugees law what encouraged million of refugees to cross the sea for a better life and living now creating chaos in Europe . Uncontrolled immigration policy forced Britain to leave the EU what encouraging many european to think differently .
Recent study of Pew Research Center Show the transformation of european mindset towards Muslim and refugees . In a sense recent refugee influx even created much more negative concept about Islam in EU region .

For some Europeans, negative attitudes toward Muslims are tied to a belief that Muslims do not wish to participate in the broader society. In every country polled, the dominant view is that Muslims want to be distinct from the rest of society rather than adopt the nation’s customs and way of life. Six-in-ten or more hold this view in Greece, Hungary, Spain, Italy and Germany. Notably, the percentage saying that Muslims want to remain distinct has actually declined since 2005 in four out of five countries where trend data are available. The biggest drop has been in Germany, where the share of the public expressing this view has declined from 88% to 61%.
But terrorism is not the only concern people have about refugees. Many are also worried that they will be an economic burden. Half or more in five nations say refugees will take away jobs and social benefits
Negative opinions about Muslims are much more common among respondents who place themselves on the right of the ideological spectrum. In Greece, 81% of those on the right express an unfavorable view of Muslims, compared with 50% of those on the left. Significant right-left gaps in attitudes toward Muslims are also found in Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, Spain, France and the United Kingdom
A big reason refugees cause alarm across Europe is the fear that they will steal jobs. But a more serious problem may be their joblessness. France, Germany and Norway all have big employment gaps between native- and foreign-born workers. But the gap is widest in the Netherlands and Sweden .
Negative ratings for Muslims have also increased over the past 12 months in the UK (+9 percentage points), Spain (+8) and Italy (+8), and are up 12 points in Greece since 2014. In France – where coordinated terrorist attacks by ISIS at the Bataclan concert hall and elsewhere in Paris in November left 130 people dead – unfavorable opinions are up slightly since last year (+5 points).
Only a small number of Germany’s 34,000 asylum-seekers managed to find a regular job between December 2015 to November 2016, according to the data released by IAB on Monday, as cited by Der Spiegel.
Analyst think the competition in job market will harm the resident EU population and its will create more chaos in europe in coming days .