Bangladesh: Dozens of children killed in protests – Unicef –

student protests in Bangladesh against job quotas in civil service have resulted in a tragic loss of life, with UNICEF reporting at least 32 child deaths, including one under five years old. se deaths are part of a larger toll exceeding 200 people, many of whom were bystanders, according to BBC Bangla. 

UNICEF has confirmed that at least 32 children were killed during student protests in Bangladesh last month, with many more injured and detained. UNICEF Regional Director for South Asia, Sanjay Wijesekera, expressed his condolences and condemned violence, emphasizing the importance of always protecting children. He highlighted children’s rights to freedom of association and peaceful assembly as recognized by the UN Convention on the Rights of Child, to which Bangladesh is a signatory. 

Wijesekera, who recently visited Bangladesh, voiced his deep concern about the impact of violence on children and reports of children being detained. He urged an end to the detention of children and emphasized the need to support children affected by the unrest. UNICEF has been providing psychosocial help through trained social workers and Child Helpline 1098, which has seen a significant increase in demand since the violence began. 

One key recommendation from UNICEF is to reopen schools to help children recover from trauma and resume their education.  closure of schools due to protests, as well as previous closures from natural disasters, has significantly disrupted the education of millions of students. 

In response to protests, various demonstrations have been held by teachers and students across Bangladesh, demanding justice for those killed and an end to harassment and detention. Despite government assurances that detentions were for the protection of student leaders, widespread detentions and reports of harassment have fueled ongoing unrest and calls for justice. 

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