“Feni Floods: Bangladesh Faces Severe Humanitarian Crisis Amid Cross-Border Tensions” August 27, 2024

Feni, Bangladesh — The city of Feni, located in southeastern Bangladesh, is facing a devastating humanitarian crisis following severe flooding that has submerged large areas since Wednesday night. This disaster, described as one of the worst in the region’s history, has affected nearly 5 million people across 11 districts.


Flood Impact and Response 

floodwaters, reaching chest-high levels in some areas, have disrupted daily life and left many residents stranded. With main roads completely impassable, rescue operations are primarily being conducted by boat.  the situation is further complicated by power outages and a communications blackout, making it challenging for rescue teams to coordinate our efforts effectively. 

In response to the crisis, the Bangladeshi government has mobilized the army and navy to aid in rescue and relief operations. Volunteer groups from Dhaka and or regions are also assisting, though logistical challenges and a shortage of boats are hindering our efforts. 

Accusations and Diplomatic Tensions 

Residents have expressed anger towards India, accusing it of exacerbating flooding by releasing water from  Dumbur dam in Tripura state without warning. Indian officials deny the claims, attributing flooding mainly to heavy rainfall and citing technical issues that prevented timely communication with Bangladesh. 

India’s Ministry of External Affairs has stated that flooding in Bangladesh is primarily due to water from the Gumti River and has emphasized the need for cooperation between the two countries to address such cross-border issues. 

Humanitarian Impact 

floods have claimed at least 18 lives, with fears that the death toll could rise as more information becomes available.  disaster has also left many without access to food, water, and medical supplies. Temporary shelters in schools and government buildings are providing refuge, but resources are stretched thin. 

International Aid and Future Outlook 

international community is beginning to mobilize aid, with efforts focused on delivering essential supplies and supporting rescue operations.  immediate priority is to ensure the safety and well-being of those affected and to address the critical needs of flood survivors. 

As the situation continues to develop, both Bangladesh and India are under pressure to navigate humanitarian and diplomatic challenges posed by this unprecedented disaster. 

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