- Bangladesh MUST Declare emergency — an epidemic is a threat to national security.
- If this bureaucracy continues millions will die without any treatment – It will destroy the national economy will break the moral health of the nation.
- An uncontrolled epidemic will result in this nation’s dependency on foreign powers, especially neighbors. Many will try to take political advantage in the long run – it severely compromises national security.
- The government is not morally responsible for the nation.
What to do?
- Deploy troops
- Forme a Central command responsible for Coronavirus
- Place civilian authority under Military commands.
- Place health ministry directly under Armed forces.
- Place the Ministry of Home Affairs under army supervision.
- all monitoring and decision from a single central command.
- All ministry will follow the directive of the central command.
- Add more testing facilities and private hospitals & NGOs in this campaign.
What if not Done
If the emergency is not declared on time
- This political bureaucracy and blame game will be responsible for thousands or millions of deaths in this country.
- It will rise religious extremism.
- Conservative religious parties will gain massive popularity – this nation will be in great uncertainty.
- It will destroy both the political and military strength of this nation.
- no development will be enough to counter a psychologically devasted nation.
The so-called free press and Media, friends of the country and the forces will be mainly responsible for the Death of thousands – not This government.