The United state Department of Defense will be Supporting Bangladesh for developing an Unmanned Aircraft system (UAS) capability for deployment to UN peacekeeping operations .
Statement from the US State department said: “Our pledge includes the provision of at least $13 million in support of Bangladesh’s commitment to develop an unmanned aerial system (UAS) capability for deployment to a UN peacekeeping operation.”
Currently USA operate the greatest number of UAV Fleet in the world . The Most used MQ-1A/B Predator and MQ-1C Gray Eagle both Unite cost more than 20 Million USD . As per the 13 Million Donation to Bangladesh , The US Army ScanEagle can be a viable candidates for long-endurance, low-altitude unmanned aerial vehicle .

Scan Eagle Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Its cost US$3.2 million for 4 drones and ground system . ScanEagle carries a stabilized electro-optical and/or infrared camera on a lightweight inertial stabilized turret system, and an integrated communications system having a range of over 62 miles (100 km); it has a flight endurance of over 20 hours. ScanEagle has a 10.2-foot (3.1 m) wingspan a length of 4.5 feet (1.4 m) and a mass of 44 pounds (20 kg) and can operate up to 80 knots (92 mph; 150 km/h)

United State Department said in a 29 March statement, adding that the US Department of Defense will be “further providing training, technology, and subject matter expertise on a variety of topics, including advising the UN & Bangladesh on how to incorporate and more effectively employ UAS capabilities into their missions
Surveillance Drone System for Bangladesh
Previously in 2017 Bangladesh released a request-for-proposals (RFP) for an unmanned aerial system (UAS) for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) operations . The UAV to have a minimum cruise speed of at least 140 km/h and a loiter speed capped at 140 km/h (or lower). The UAV must have a maximum speed of 200 km/h or more and a flight ceiling of approximately 20,000 ft .
US supporting Bangladeshi development of UAS for UN deployment | Jane’s 360