In 2015, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appointed Yossi Cohen as Mossad chief. After studying at the University of London, he joined the intelligence service in 1982 . Yossi Cohen, the outgoing head of the Mossad, has given a thrilling account of how the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad has been conducting operations in Iran.

He mentioned in the interview that he had hundreds of passports while in this profession . In the interview, Mr. Cohen said it took them two years to prepare for the operation in Iran. There were 20 Mossad agents, none of whom were Israeli nationals.
Yossi Cohen quoted as saying, “If anyone is a danger to Israeli citizens, they must stop. But if someone changes jobs or does no more harm, he can survive. “
Yossi Cohen further added that there was Israeli involvement in the destruction of Iran’s nuclear facility in Natanz and the killing of an Iranian nuclear scientist.In the interview, Yossi Cohen also spoke about Iran’s top nuclear scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizad, who was killed in a roadside bombing on the outskirts of Tehran last November. Iran has publicly blamed Israel for the attack . The former chief did not admit or deny that Mossad was involved in the death.