Author name: Newsroom

Bangladesh Breaking News

Proposal to fines and abolish tax benefits for companies employing illegal foreign workers in Bangladesh

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB) has said that a large number of foreign nationals are working illegally in various industries and businesses in Bangladesh. According to a report published by the Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) in February 2020, some 2.50 lakh foreign nationals are working in the country. Of them, 90,000 are […]

Breaking News

Diplomatic Relations with Israel only if there is a Palestinian state: Saudi Arabia

There have been rumours for some time that Saudi Arabia is going to establish full diplomatic relations with Israel. The two Arab states, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain signed an agreement with Israel last September to normalize diplomatic relations. Rumours have been circulating since then that Saudi Arabia is also on its way to

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Bangladesh Breaking News, Bangladesh Legal News

National River Protection Commission Act 2020 – A review

The draft National River Protection Commission Act 2020 has been formulated for the purpose of amending the National River Protection Commission Act 2013.  In this new law, the river Commission may declare an area as an ecologically endangered area if it is deemed to be endangered or endangered by the illegal occupation of rivers, pollution,

Breaking News

Why BJP is politically successful in India

There is no doubt that the Hindu nationalist party BJP is currently the number one influential political party in India which has been ruling India since 2014 without any challenge. Recently several BJP-ruled states in India imposed restrictions on Durga Puja, the biggest religious festival of Bengali Hindu, various Hindutva organizations have staged protests against

Breaking News

Japan residents to get free Covid-19 Vaccine

A bill passed in Japan on Wednesday to provide free coronavirus vaccine to all residents of the country. Japan’s House of Councillors unanimously passed the bill, it was approved by the upper house of parliament.  The bill states that the government will bear all the costs of the corona vaccine for Japan’s 126 million residents. Japan’s

America Now, Breaking News

Biden is The Next President of America & Fox News Angered Trump

After a very intense and competitive  election in the history of America the democratic nominee Joy Biden was  declared as the President elect of the United State . Joe Biden and Kamala Harris received 50.6% vote  Donald Trump received 47.7 percent of vote . In a dramatic twist the conservative Fox news projected the Biden

Breaking News

Bangladesh Approved the trial of Chinese Coronavirus Vaccine

The Bangladesh government has approved the trial of a vaccine manufactured by Chinese company Synovac in Bangladesh.The government thinks that, it will get one lakh pieces of vaccine free of cost and will get priority to purchase more required number of vaccines. Apart from that, Bangladesh has very strong friendly relations with the Chinese government.

Bangladesh Business News

2.6 Billion Dollar Remittance inflow in July 2020

Bangladesh Wage earner’s remittance inflow exceeded 2.6 Billion in July 2020. Remittance is a transfer of money, often by the worker to an individual in their home country. Besides, the highest foreign exchange reserves in the history of Bangladesh have been raised to 37.28 billion US dollars. Various measures, including 2 percent cash incentives by

Bangladesh Business News

Bangladesh’s Farmers to get 3.6 Billion Dollar loan this Year

Agriculture and Rural Credit Policy and Program of Bangladesh Bank has set the loan target for the new financial year on Wednesday. Bangladesh Bank allocated loans of Tk 26,292 crore or 3.6 Billion dollars for farmers in the current fiscal year 2020-21 to combat the Covid-19 epidemic.Which is about 8.99 percent more than the 2019-20

Bangladesh Breaking News, Bangladesh Business News

Bangladesh’s Mobile operator lost 4 Million Subscriber: Impact of Covid-19 in Business

In the three months since the beginning of coronavirus pandemic in the country, the number of mobile phone subscribers has decreased by 4 million. This calculation is from last March to June. The Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) publishes the number of mobile phone subscribers at the end of each month. As of the end of June, the

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